In May 2013, I bought a Canon 60D with an 18-135mm lens because I was tired of making the effort to take photos and being disappointed with the results. The deal I struck with my husband was that I would pick up my camera every day and shoot, and he would pick his favorite from that day, and I would share it out on social media – and so began my Picture of the Day Challenge!
The entire process was so positive and encouraging – pushing me to get over my learning curve, try new things, share the experience with my partner, and entertain my friends with life through my lens – that it stuck, though after the first year, it became “Pictures of the Week,” so I had a little more flexibility (shooting every day is *hard*!)
From those photos, we create a Top 50 book for every year and print it to sit on our bookshelf…another fun and amazing way to share my hobby.
Below are galleries of each year’s photo challenge picks – click through and enjoy or jump to my Flickr feed to see everything!
Year 5 (2017-2018) Top 50 of the Year

Year 4 (2016-2017) Top 50 of the Year

Year 3 (2015-2016) Top 50 of the Year

Year 2 (2014-2015) Top 50 of the Year

Year 1 (2013-2014) Top 50 of the Year

Pictures of the Week (Years 2-Present)

Pictures of the Day (Year 1)